Financially Support Georgia Tech Men's Lacrosse

Donations to the Kiehl Scholarship Fund and Georgia Tech Lacrosse

It’s now easier to provide financial support to the team!

In the past, donations to support the team usually involved writing a check, which then usually involved actually finding a checkbook.  Donations to Georgia Tech Lacrosse may now be done online! Follow the instructions below to give via the Development on-line giving site:

Go to:

Then, click on the “GIVE NOW” box toward the top right of the page

Enter your gift amount at the top and again in the “Special Purpose Amount” box

Then in the “Special Purpose” box, put the Lacrosse Account you would like your contribution to support:

o    General Team Operations: GT Men's Lacrosse Club / GTF# 551-00-0178

o    Scholarships: Alex Kiehl Scholarship  / GTF# 997-00-0151


Once the transaction is completed, you will receive an automatic reply indicating the transaction was successful, and thanking you for the gift.

The GT Office of Development will also receive an email notification of the gift immediately, and will ensure that it gets deposited into the proper account and acknowledged as soon as possible.

For specific questions concerning giving, please contact Ms. Pat Barton at

Thanks so much for your generous support!